Tuesday 3 July 2012

9th July 8 cent tariff - FAQs

To help answer all the different questions surrounding the 9th July 8 cent feed in tariff , below is a link to FAQs at the Clean Energy Council web site.

You can read about how the new laws will apply regarding the change from 44c tariff to the new 8c feed in tariff.

Clean Energy Council FAQ

There are also changes to the eligibility rules for the 44 cent feed in tariff that will change later this year. At least this Government is letting us know what changes are coming.

Here are

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Sunday 13 May 2012

Solar Quote Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast

Solar Power Quotes for Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast

Arrange your - Onsite Solar Inspections

By - Experienced Solar Professionals

With - Genuine SE Qld Solar Businesses

To - Explain in Plain English "how do solar panels work ?"

Find the best - Solar System Prices for your home.

Be assured Solar-Brisbane - Only Recommends the Top Ranking Solar Businesses.

Complete the form below and get the solar facts, not the sales

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Tuesday 3 April 2012

Albrite Solar Review

Attention: AlBriteSolar seems to have disappeared leaving clients with solar power systems they installed around Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast left without warranties and service.

Albrite Solar is new to Qld but have an established solar panel installation business in WA. and bring plenty of experience with them.
We found Albrite to have a clear focus on sustainable energy and have goals on becoming a leader in providing a range of PV solar

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Tuesday 6 March 2012

Solar Guys Brisbane - Reviewed

Solar Guys Brisbane - Reviewed

Advertising Credibility


As soon as you open the SolarGuys web site you get hit with their company jingle, whether you like it or not, and a prominent video, endorsing their Channel 7 connection.
They claim:
“Superior Technology” …and …“Today, Kyocera’s KD Series Solar Panels lead the market. The KD Series: Are the highest performance panels on the market with a maximum cell conversion efficiency of 17.5%” ... should be , one of

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Thursday 16 February 2012

Connect2Solar Review

Connect2Solar Review
Advertising Credibility
Connect2Solar rely predominately on word of mouth and referral advertising, which is naturally the most credible form of advertising so they get a big tick from us for that. No outrageous claims from this Brisbane based solar company, just happy to be known as a reliable honest solar power business servicing SE Qld.
Solar Panel quality and efficiency
Connect2Solar stock 2 very good quality panels, Hyundai from Korea and Sun Tech from

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