Tuesday 30 August 2011

Origin Energy Solar - Review

Origin Energy Solar - Review:

Origin Energy Solar is fairly focused on getting you to buy their solar systems before you have a qualified site inspection… ridiculous.

They will not specify which brand, or model, solar panel you will get… it’s at the sole discretion of their installers, after you have signed and paid.

They contract out the installation and the site inspection, (“if you need one”…) of course you need one. There are many facts to consider that must be

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Origin Solar and Modern Solar came Last

Origin Solar and Modern Solar came Last in our Solar Business Reviews.
Are solar salespeople the best ones to advise you about which system is the best for you ? No! They're all bias towards the solar panels and inverters they stock. Why do all solar companies advertise that their solar panels are the best quality, most efficient, best value? Because they have to! Would you buy a solar power system from a business that advertised "Our solar panels are only average"? Lets face it all Brisbane

Origin Solar